some basic facts about finite fields
This post will contain some basic facts about finite fields. It will be quite useful for some future posts I plan to make on Galois theory, but these are facts that are useful in general for anyone interested in combinatorics and algebra.
Let \(\mathbb{F}\) be a field, and define its characteristic \(\text{char}(\mathbb{F})\) as the smallest number \(n\) such that \(\sum_{i=1}^n 1 = 0\). If there is no such \(n\), we say that \(\text{char}(\mathbb{F}) = 0\). The first observation we must make is that \(\text{char}(\mathbb{F})\) is a prime number if \(\mathbb{F}\) is finite. Indeed, the characteristic of \(\mathbb{F}\) is certainly positive as the field is finite, and if it is a composite number \(n = ab\), then
\[(\sum_{i=1}^a 1)(\sum_{i=1}^b 1) = \sum_{i=1}^n 1 = 0,\]hence either \(\sum_{i=1}^a 1 = 0\) or \(\sum_{i=1}^b 1 = 0\), and thus \(\text{char}(\mathbb{F})\) must indeed be prime. This will also imply that the size of \(\mathbb{F}\) must be a power of a prime. To see this, if \(\text{char}(\mathbb{F}) = p\) where \(p\) is prime, we consider the set \(\{1,2,...,p\} \subseteq \mathbb{F}\), hence we may identify a copy of \(\mathbb{Z}_p\) in \(\mathbb{F}\), and this copy is the prime subfield of \(\mathbb{F}\) – that is, the intersection of all subfields of \(\mathbb{F}\). This implies that \(\mathbb{F}\) can be seen as a vector space over \(\mathbb{Z}_p\), hence if \(a_1,...,a_k\) is a basis of this space, we have \(p^k\) possible linear combinations of these vectors, hence \(\vert\mathbb{F}\vert = p^k\). From this, we may always denote a finite field by \(\mathbb{F}_q\), where \(q\) is its size and \(q = p^k\), for some prime \(p\) and integer \(k\), with \(\text{char}(\mathbb{F}) = p\).
If \(\mathbb{F}\) is a field, we denote by \(\mathbb{F}^*\) the set of invertible elements of the field – which in this case are all non-zero elements –, and it is immediate to note that this set is a group with multiplication, called the multiplicative group. We will soon see that the multiplicative group of a finite group is cyclic, but first we will lay out some basic facts about cyclic groups.
All cyclic groups of a fixed order \(n\) are isomorphic, hence we denote by \(C_n\) the cyclic group of order \(n\). We first note that if \(g\) is a generator for \(C_n\), then ther order of any element \(g^i\) is given by
\[\text{ord}(g^i) = \frac{n}{\gcd(n,i)},\]hence \(\text{ord}(g^i) = n\) iff \(\gcd(n,i) = 1\), and thus the number of generators of \(C_n\) is precisely given by \(\varphi(n)\), where
\[\varphi(n) = \{k \in \{1,...,n\}|\gcd(n,k) = 1\}\]is the Euler totient function, i.e., \(\varphi(n) = \vert \mathbb{Z}_n^* \vert\). It is easy to see that any subgroup of \(C_n\) must also be cyclic, hence by Lagrange’s theorem it follows that any subgroup of \(C_n\) is a copy of \(C_d\), for some divisor \(d\) of \(n\). Now if \(d \vert n\), then the element \(g^{n/d}\) has order \(d\), hence its generated cyclic subgroup \(\langle g^{n/d} \rangle\) is a copy of \(C_d\). On the other hand, if \(g^i\) is some element in \(C_n\) of order \(d\), then \(n/d\) must be a divisor of \(i\), hence \(g^i \in \langle g^{n/d} \rangle\). This shows that for each divisor \(d\) of \(n\), there exists a unique subgroup \(C_d\) of \(C_n\), and we can express this subgroup as
\[C_d = \{x \in C_n|x^d = 1\}.\]It is also worth noting that the previous observations imply that the set of elements of order \(d\) in \(C_n\) are all contained in the unique copy of \(C_d\) in \(C_n\), for some divisor \(d\), hence
\[\vert\{x \in C_n|\text{ord}(x) = d\}\vert = \vert\{x \in C_d|\text{ord}(x) = d\}\vert.\]These facts imply the following useful equality:
\[\begin{split} n = |C_n| &= \sum_{d \vert n} \vert\{x \in C_n|\text{ord}(x) = d\}\vert\\ &= \sum_{d \vert n} \vert\{x \in C_d|\text{ord}(x) = d\}\vert\\ &= \sum_{d \vert n} \varphi(d). \end{split}\]We are now ready to prove the desired result.
Theorem 1: The multiplicative group \(\mathbb{F}_q^*\) of a finite field \(\mathbb{F}_q\) is cyclic.
Proof: Let \(n \geq 1\) be the size of \(\mathbb{F}_q^*\), and let \(m_d\) denote the number of elements of order \(d\) in \(\mathbb{F}_q^*\), and of course, if \(d\) doesn’t divide \(n\) then \(m_d = 0\). Our goal here is to show that \(m_n = \varphi(n) \geq 1\), and thus conclude that there is an element of order \(n\), which must necessarily be a generator for \(\mathbb{F}_q^*\).
First, we note that any element of order \(d\) in our group must be a root of the polynomial \(t^d - 1\), but on the other hand, if \(x\) is an element of order \(d\), then all elements in the cyclic subgroup \(C_d\) it generates are also roots of \(t^d - 1\). Since this polynomial has at most \(d\) roots in \(\mathbb{F}_q\), it follows that \(C_d\) is precisely this set of roots, that is,
\[C_d = \{x \in \mathbb{F}_q|x^d = 1\}.\]This shows that if \(m_d > 0\), then \(m_d = \varphi(d)\), since in this case all of the \(m_d\) elements of order \(d\) in \(\mathbb{F}_q\) would be precisely the \(\varphi(d)\) generators of \(C_d\). Hence, for any \(d\) that divides \(n\), it follows that \(m_d \leq \varphi(d)\). We thus obtain the following:
\[n = |\mathbb{F}_q^*| = \sum_{d \vert n}m_d \leq \sum_{d \vert n}\varphi(d) = n,\]which implies that \(m_d = \varphi(d)\), and in particular, \(m_n = \varphi(n) \geq 1\), which concludes the proof.
\[\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\blacksquare\]Before moving forward, we’ll need some results about field extensions. If \(\mathbb{E}\) is a field that contains a field \(\mathbb{F}\), we say that \(\mathbb{E}:\mathbb{F}\) is a field extension, and the degree of this extension is the dimension of \(\mathbb{E}\) as a vector space over \(\mathbb{F}\). We then note the following:
Lemma 1: Let \(\mathbb{F}\) be a field, \(f(x) \in \mathbb{F}[x]\) a polynomial with coefficients on the field. Then the following hold:
If \(f'(x)\) denotes the formal derivative of \(f\), then \(\gcd(f,f') \neq 1\) iff \(f\) has multiple roots in some extension of \(\mathbb{F}\);
If \(g \in \mathbb{F}[x]\), then \(\gcd(f,g)\) is invariant w.r.t. extensions of \(\mathbb{F}\).
Proof: For the first claim, if \(d = \gcd(f,f') \neq 1\), then it has degree at least \(1\), which implies that there is some root \(\alpha\) of \(d\) is some extension \(\mathbb{E}\) of \(\mathbb{F}\). Hence, we have that \((x-\alpha)\) divides \(f\), and thus
\[f = q(x-\alpha) \Rightarrow f' = q'(x-\alpha) + q,\]thus \(q = f-q'(x-\alpha) = (x-\alpha)(q-q')\), thus \(x-\alpha\) divides \(q\), which implies that \((x-\alpha)^2\) divides \(f\), hence it has multiple roots. Now if \((x-\alpha)^2\) divides \(f\) for some \(\alpha\) in an extension of \(\mathbb{F}\), then
\[f = q(x-\alpha)^2 \Rightarrow f' = q'(x-\alpha)^2 + 2q(x-\alpha),\]thus \((x-\alpha)\) divides \(f'\), hence \(\gcd(f,f') \neq 1\).
For the second claim, if \(d\) is the gcd of \(f,g\) in \(\mathbb{F}\), and \(D\) is the gcd in \(\mathbb{E}\), then we know that there are polynomials \(r,s \in \mathbb{F}[x]\) such that
\[d = rf + sg,\]and since \(D\) divides both \(r\) and \(s\), it follows that \(D\) divides \(d\), but on the other hand, \(D\) is defined as the gcd over \(\mathbb{E}\), hence any polynomial that divides both \(f,g\) must divide \(D\), and so \(D = d\), as desired.
\[\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\blacksquare\]If \(f(x)\) is a polynomial over \(\mathbb{F}\), and if \(\mathbb{E}\) is an extension such that we can write
\[f(x) = \alpha_0(x-\alpha_1)\ldots(x-\alpha_n),\]where \(n = \text{deg}(f)\) and \(\alpha_i \in \mathbb{E}\), then we say that the smallest extension of \(\mathbb{F}\) containing each \(\alpha_i\) is a splitting field of \(f\). We will discuss such fields in more detail in a later post, but for now we only need to know that we can decompose \(f\) as a product of irreducibles in the splitting field, that is, such field contains all roots of our polynomial.
We can now prove the basic theorem about finit fields: we can always create a finite field of order \(p^k\) for any fixed prime \(p\) and integer \(k\), and all finite fields of the same order are isomorphic. For this reason, it is usual to see authors denote a finite field of order \(q\) simply by \(\mathbb{F}_q\) or \(\text{GF}(q)\), as they are unique up to isomorphism.
First, we introduce a rather useful function of finite fields. Define
\(\begin{split} \Phi:\mathbb{F}_q &\mapsto \mathbb{F}_q,\\ \Phi(x) &= x^p, \end{split}\) where \(p\) is the characteristic of our finite field \(\mathbb{F}_q\). Our claim is that this map is a field automorphism. Indeed, we first note that \(\Phi(xy) = \Phi(x)\Phi(y),\Phi(1) = 1\) and that
\[\Phi(x+y) = x^p + (\sum_{k=1}^{p-1}{p \choose k}x^ky^{p-k}) + y^p,\]but since \(p\) is prime, the coefficients \({p \choose k}\) are all multiples of \(p\), hence \(\Phi(x+y) = \Phi(x)+\Phi(y)\), and so \(\Phi\) is a field homomorphism. It is certainly injective, since if \(x^p = 1\) then \(x = 1\). Since \(\mathbb{F}_q\) has finite size \(p^k\), its multiplicative group has size \(q-1\) and so \(x^q = x\) for any \(x \in \mathbb{F}_q\), hence \(\Phi(x^{p^{k-1}}) = x\), and thus \(\Phi\) is surjective.
With this, we can prove the following:
Theorem 2: Let \(p\) be a prime number, and let \(k\) be some nonnegative integer, with \(q = p^k\). Then the following hold:
Proof: For the first claim, we let \(\mathbb{K}\) be a splitting field of \(f(t) = t^q - t\) over \(\mathbb{Z}_p\), and we consider the set of all roots of this polynomial:
\[\mathbb{F} = \{\alpha \in \mathbb{K}|f(\alpha) = 0\}.\]This set has size at most \(q\), however note that
\[(f)' = qt^{q-1} - 1 = 1,\]since \(q = p^k = 0\) in \(\mathbb{Z}_p\), hence \(\gcd(f,f') = 1\), which shows that \(f\) has no multiple roots, hence \(\mathbb{F}\) has size \(q\). It is easy to check that \(\mathbb{F}\) is indeed a field, which proves the claim.
For the second claim, let \(\mathbb{K}\) be field of size \(q\), and note for any element \(\alpha\) in the field, it follows that \(\alpha^{q-1} = 1\), hence if we write
\[f(t) = t^q - t = t(t^{q-1} - 1),\]we get that \(f(\alpha) = 0\), thus all elements of \(\mathbb{K}\) are roots of \(f\), and so \(\mathbb{K}\) is a splitting field.
\[\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\blacksquare\]We can also prove that if \(\mathbb{F}_1,\mathbb{F}_2\) are fields of size \(q\), then they are isomorphic, but in order to do this we need some results about splitting fields that I will introduce in a later post.
To end this post, we prove the following:
Proposition 1: If \(\mathbb{F}_q\) is a finite field, with \(q = p^k\) for some prime \(p\), then the subfields of \(\mathbb{F}_q\) are uniquely determined by the divisors of \(k\), i.e., \(\mathbb{K} \subseteq \mathbb{F}_q\) is a subfield if and only if \(\vert\mathbb{K}\vert = p^e\) and \(e \vert d\), and these subfields are unique.
Proof: First, we note that since any subfield of \(\mathbb{F}_q\) is also an abelian subgroup, it follows that its order must be some power of \(p\) – simply by Lagrange’s Theorem. Now if \(\mathbb{K}\) is a subfield of \(\mathbb{F}_q\) of order \(p^d\), then \(\mathbb{K}^* \leq \mathbb{F}_q^*\), hence again by Lagrange’s Theorem it follows that
\[p^d - 1 = \vert \mathbb{K}^*\vert\vert \vert \mathbb{F}_q^* \vert = p^k - 1\]and since \(p\) is a prime this implies that \(d \vert k\). Now assume that \(d \vert k\), and thus \(p^d - 1 \vert p^k - 1\), since \(\mathbb{F}_q^*\) is a cyclic group, there exists a unique subgroup \(H\) of order \(p^d - 1\), where of course \(H\) is also cyclic, and since \(H\) can be identified as
\[H = \{x \in \mathbb{F}_q^*|x^{p^d} = x\}\]it follows that \(\mathbb{K} = \{0\} \cup H\) is a subfield of \(\mathbb{F}_q\) with order \(p^k\), where \(d \vert k\), and the uniqueness of the subgroup implies that \(\mathbb{K}\) is also unique. The facts together show that there are unique subfields of \(\mathbb{F}_q\) for every \(d \vert k\), and these are all of the possible subfields.